Arneeon Media – SEO, PPC, SMM

Arneeon Media grew out of a previous Web Design company which was started in 1997. Our focus has changed with the times.
The Social Media paradigm began in the mid to late 2000’s with MySpace, LinkedIn and blogging sites. The introduction of YouTube and shortly after Facebook and Twitter started an unstoppable wave of social engagement. With this came a game-changing marketplace.
Within this niche of online movement, one of the most powerful marketing platforms available for businesses and individuals to engage, inform and sell online has emerged. SEO or search engine optimization has become the rule or should we say, the foundation for online visibility. Combine this with social engagement and pay-per-click investments. It is a frontier that can seem new and ever changing with technology, rules and advancement.
Arneeon Media seeks to help connect businesses and entrepreneurs with the complex world of online marketing. We help with everything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and promoted posting to sales funnels and integrated follow-up mechanisms. See also Biz Boom Box
Please use the Discovery Form form to setup a consultation and video analysis.
What Do We Do?
SEO – Arneeon Media will work with clients to build their SEO ranks and domain/page authority to maximize visibility online in local and global searches. Visibility is all it takes to see an increase in customers that benefits the bottom line significantly. At times change of just a few positions on several target keywords can bring a business into the stream of 90% of the targeted traffic. We can make that happen. We can also help you build your keyword lists to draw in more potential clients and keep you updated with reports that show you your standing on a monthly basis. Though we do not design your website for you, we can assist with providing needed changes to wording, layout, format etc. that will optimize your site for Google ranking.
PPC – Arneeon Media can also manage advertising campaigns on Google Adwords text and display networks, we can assist with YoutTube video marketing as well. Google is the hub of the internet and according to comScore makes up 68% of the search engine market share. This number is argued to be a low estimate by many as some would say it is over 80%. Regardless, the facts are that Google is where its at in terms of visibility across platforms and devices, and their Adword strategy is very effective. Arneeon is working towards Google Certified Partner status and our prices will remain lower until we achieve that goal.
SMM – Arneeon Media works with Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter for social Media marketing campaigns. Social Media campaigns are extremely effective at drawing attention to your brand or product. The targeting options available in social media are powerful and we can help you implement those campaigns that will draw direct engagement but also help toward social signal ranks with SEO. We also negotiate Google Hangout production and interviews which can be recorded and posted to your YouTube channel adding authority to your brand or product.
Please fill out Discovery Form as mentioned in the video, and we invite you to fill it out to see if we are a fit for your SEO needs.
What’s in a Name?
Arneeon is a Greek word which actually means “lamb”. The name was discovered back in our Bible College days and became the brand we used for a web design company while in college in the late 90’s. At the time the logo was a lamb standing between the “Ar” and the “neeon”. The “neeon” portion flashed and glowed like a neon sign. People began to use word-associatiation and equate it with “Our-neon” as in a company that would help provide a visible emblem developed for a business. ( Essentially, we will make your brand attractive and visible online ) These days visibility is the name of the game and SEO is the answer. In late 2015, Arneeon Media became a licensed SEO company focusing primarily on search engine optimization and digital marketing.
Our logo has changed from a Lamb to a Lion. The Biblical implications of that change are powerful, but from a pure business marketing sense, a Lion is a perfect symbol. King of the Jungle, strong and bold … majestic! Our lion stands proud on his perch overlooking the view from the top of a rank arrow. It correlates well with our direct goal of moving your company from obscure and invisible to a place of strength, visibility and effectiveness.